Fruit Production
Learn the specialised skills for a fulfilling career in the fruit production and orchard industries. Build your general horticulture knowledge-base in Central Otago's orchard growing area, setting yourself up for a rewarding horticulture career.

Study our fruit production qualifications and build your knowledge and experience required to grow commercial fruit or wine grapes. Our courses cover a wide range of levels to suit your needs, from entry-level skills right through to developing specialist skills for experienced fruit producers. Graduate with specialised knowledge in orchard development, protection, soil dynamics, and pest control.
The best part of studying with us is our flexible learning options. You can gain practical growing experience on our ten-hectare crop production facility in Central Otago, through your current workplace, or even learn online.
Fruit Production qualifications
Develop your green thumbs and get paid for doing what you love. This one-year programme combines our level 3 and level 4 qualifications to fast-track you to a career in horticulture. You'll gain the skills and knowledge that horticulturists need when employed in orchards, vineyards, nurseries or any other major commercial operation.Duration
1 Year Full-time
On campus
Career potential
Fruit Grower, Irrigation Technician, Nursery Business Owner, Nursery Worker, Plant Propagator, Vineyard Farmer, Vineyard Supervisor
Learn while working in the fruit production or viticulture industry. Enjoy a 50/50 mix of theory and practical study, and use your workplace as a setting to practice your developing skills.Duration
2 Years Part-time
Career potential
Fruit Grower, Fruit Production, Harvester, Orchard Farmer, Orchard Manager, Vineyard Farmer
Learn on campus at our ten-hectare crop production facility where wine grapes and cherries are grown. Enjoy a 50-50 mix of theoretical and practical studies, and undertake work experience within Central Otago's extensive horticulture industry.Duration
1 Year Part-time
On campus
Career potential
Fruit Grower, Fruit Production, Harvester, Orchard Farmer, Orchard Manager, Vineyard Manager
Progress your career by gaining the knowledge and skills to become a competent leader in the fruit production or wine grape production industries. Study online to complement your work in the industry and graduate with the skills to manage an orchard or vineyard.Duration
2 Years Part-time
Online with block course(s)
Career potential
Crop Quality Assurance, Fruit Production Manager, Harvester, Orchard Manager, Vineyard Manager
Contact us
If you’re not sure what to study and would like some guidance, we’re here to help. Feel free to chat to us directly about any questions you may have.