Bachelor of Social Services with specialties in Counselling and Health and Wellbeing Practice
This degree will give you the necessary skills to be a capable and confident social services professional working in New Zealand. You’ll graduate with a high-level of self-awareness, a thorough understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles, and the communication skills to engage and support a diverse range of people.
Work-based through Capable NZ
About the programme
Want to help people and their whānau improve their quality of life?
Our industry-relevant programme will prepare you to enter the social service sector as a counsellor or to offer holistic services in the health and wellbeing sector such as mental health support.
You'll learn how to empower clients to overcome social and personal disadvantages, achieve their aspirations and realise their individual and community potential. And you’ll develop knowledge and awareness of the cultural diversity of Aotearoa, so you’re prepared to work with clients in a culturally competent way that upholds the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
At the end of your first year, you'll choose your specialty - Counselling, or Health and Wellbeing Practice - and then complete placements during your second and third year to build your industry experience and contacts.
Graduating with a high-level of self-awareness and the communication skills to engage a diverse range of people, you’ll be able to provide professional practice within the community, demonstrate social responsibility and will meet the standards needed to be eligible for membership with the Professional Association for your chosen specialty.
Want your existing skills recognised?
Recognition of Prior Learning
If you have extensive knowledge and skills due to practical experience in the social service or related fields, please ask us about our Recognition of Prior Learning process (RPL). You may have already gained credits towards this qualification.
Once you've read this info, if you have further questions or want to chat about this option, please email
Work-based learning
If you have work experience and skills in this area, you may be able to complete an independent learning pathway to achieve this qualification in a shorter timeframe.
We currently offer a 10 month full-time / 18-20-month part-time, work-based learning option through our assessment of prior learning centre, Capable NZ.
This option is available for the Health and Wellbeing Practice specialty. You cannot study the Counselling specialty through this method.
About the programme
Want to help people and their whānau improve their quality of life?
Our industry-relevant programme will prepare you to enter the social service sector as a counsellor, or to offer holistic services in the health and wellbeing sector such as mental health support.
You'll learn how to empower clients to overcome social and personal disadvantages, achieve their aspirations and realise their individual and community potential. And you’ll develop knowledge and awareness of the cultural diversity of Aotearoa, so you’re prepared to work with clients in a culturally competent way that upholds the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
At the end of your first year, you'll choose your specialty - Counselling, or Health and Wellbeing Practice - then complete placements during your second and third year to build your industry experience and contacts.
Graduating with a high-level of self-awareness and the communication skills to engage a diverse range of people, you’ll be able to provide professional practice within the community, demonstrate social responsibility and will meet the standards needed to be eligible for membership with the Professional Association for your chosen specialty.
Studying part-time
We know that full-time study isn't always possible. You can also study this programme part-time, up to six years.
What You Study
Choosing a specialty
You can choose to study one of the following specialties within this programme and would graduate with that specialty attached to the qualification name e.g. Bachelor of Social Services (Counselling):
- Counselling
- Health and Wellbeing Practice.
You'll choose your specialty at the end of the first year.
Entry into your chosen speciality is not guaranteed and is dependent on a number of factors including your suitability for the speciality, your fitness to practice and making sure it aligns with the career you're keen to pursue.
You'll have the chance to chat about this more with speciality lecturers during year one of the programme.
Career opportunities include:
- Community counselling agencies
- School counselling services
- Non-Government Organisations
- Tertiary settings.
If you want to develop the professional skills required to work as a qualified counsellor, choose this specialty.
You’ll explore different cultural values and an understanding of how to work ethically (informed by the NZAC Code of Ethics), develop a deep understanding of your own values and beliefs, and gain knowledge of the Person-Centred approach to counselling. You’ll also explore additional theoretical models such as Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Solution Focused Brief Therapy.
You’ll gain experience working alongside clients in our on campus, student-run, community counselling service – the Kōwhai Centre. During this placement, you’ll be supported by our lecturing staff, your individual supervisor, and the Kōwhai Centre Manager so you can begin to practice your approach in a safe and supported way.
By the end of your final year, you’ll have experience of working in external placement settings and be developing your own model of practice. You’ll be familiar with bi-cultural ways of working and be a culturally-responsive practitioner.
In addition, you'll gain knowledge of the relevant legislation that relates to your practice (e.g. Privacy Act and Child Youth and Family Act, Family Proceedings Act (1980), and Domestic Violence Act).
You'll graduate with a Bachelor of Social Services (Counselling).
Health and Wellbeing Practice
Career opportunities include:
- Mental Health Assistant
- Support Work
- Health Education and Promotion
- Community Development Work
- Non-Government Organisations
- Mental Health/Disability Advocation.
Organisations are increasingly offering strength-based services to their clients across both the mental health and disability fields. In addition, there has been a growth of generalist support roles in the health and wellbeing areas.
This specialty will ensure you develop a broad scope of practice in line with this contemporary approach to social service support provision, positioning you well to enter the workforce. It’s underpinned by mental health and disability theories and models, which includes exploration of community-based approaches.
You’ll learn how to use local and national networks, resources and organisations to provide referral pathways and will gain knowledge of the relevant legislation to work with people within health and wellbeing practice (e.g. Privacy Act, Health and Disability Act, Human Rights Act, Mental Health Act, and Children’s Act).
You'll graduate with a Bachelor of Social Services (Health and Wellbeing Practice).
During your first year, you will study a range of courses that will give you the foundation knowledge and skills you need across our two specialty areas. At the end of this first year, you’ll choose your specialty.
You'll take your foundational learning from the first year and re-focus this into your area of specialty – deepening your knowledge as you go. This means you can gain confidence in the theory before putting it into practice in the workplace.
During your second and third year, you'll do placements where you’ll gain industry training in a supervised setting. This will not only enable you to gain valuable practical experience but will prepare you for what to expect when you enter the workforce. Plus, you will build a network of contacts - great for future employment options!
Year one courses (all Level 5)
Course name | Description | Credits |
Personal and Academic Effectiveness |
Provides you with academic, reflective and self-management skills needed for working as an effective professional in social services. |
30 |
Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Ethics and Law |
Explore the relationship between Te Tiriti o Waitangi and international, customary and New Zealand law and ethics, through a lens of social justice. |
30 |
Applied Communication 1 |
Develop skills that enable you to communicate in effective, safe and professional ways within collaborative relationships in the context of Aotearoa New Zealand. |
Theories of Human Behaviour
Be introduced to theories of social psychology and human development, in the context of Aotearoa New Zealand. |
15 |
Careers, Specialties and Pathways
Gain knowledge about the changing world of work and career options relevant to social services. Explore your own career resources and aspirations and make informed decisions and plans for your career journey. |
Explore the notion of social construction of self and the concepts of social justice and social change and how this impacts on relating to others. |
Year two courses (all Level 6)
Course name | Description | Credits |
Applied Communication 2
Integrate group work theory and practice and demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to facilitate groups based on the presenting needs of the group.
Research for Social Services
Develop an informed understanding of research paradigms and methodologies, and the current uses and practices of research within your chosen specialty area of social services. |
Theory for Practice A (Counselling) or (Health and Wellbeing Practice)
Gain the knowledge and skills required to articulate a theoretical value base for your chosen specialty area, and select and apply models, tools and skills suitable for work in this area in the context of Aotearoa New Zealand. |
Integrated Practice A (Counselling) or (Health and Wellbeing Practice)
Develop the skills, knowledge and experience to become a reflective practitioner who is able to work in a way that is values based, safe, informed and intentional in providing support in your chosen specialty context. |
Safe and Ethical Practitioner
Become a safe practitioner who understands and recognises abuse, and is able to make sound ethical decisions for those at risk. |
Wānaka |
Gain the knowledge and skills necessary for working with Māori in social service, counselling, career practice, disability support and mental health support contexts. |
15 |
Addictions, Substance Use and Co-existing Problems |
Explore an overview of substance use ‘addictions’ and co-existing problems and develop useful and culturally appropriate responses for helping people address these problems. |
Year three courses (all Level 7)
Course name | Description | Credits |
Applied Social Issues and Social Policy
Critically examine how issues are addressed through social policy and social service provision in a New Zealand context. |
Practitioner Inquiry |
Undertake a systematic review of relevant research material and literature in order to answer a question which has direct relevance to practice in your chosen specialty. |
Theory for Practice B (Counselling) or (Health and Wellbeing Practice)
Further develop your understandings of the underpinning theories, research and models of practice relevant to health and wellbeing practice, career practice and counselling. Build on the skills and strategies which inform your practice and further develop a framework which supports safe professional practice. |
Integrated Practice B (Counselling) or (Health and Wellbeing Practice) |
Engage in further supervised practice with clients within community placements, and participate in individual, small group and peer supervision of your integrated practice. Demonstrate your application of theory into practice and your ability to meet the membership requirements of relevant professional bodies. |
Communicating with Families/Whānau and Communities
Become acquainted with theoretical approaches to working with families including Family Development Theory, Narrative Therapy and Systems Theory. The influence of family in relation to clients in the practice domains of social service, counselling and career practice will be explored through experiential and reflective learning. |
Socially Responsible Leadership
Develop and consolidate skills, knowledge and strategies that will enable team, community development and leadership in social service contexts.
Further study options
Increase your career prospects with postgraduate study.
1. Master of Social and Community Work (Applied)
This programme is offered at the University of Otago and is for students who already hold a bachelor's degree. Upon graduation, you will be able to become a professional social worker.
2. Master of Counselling
This programme is offered at four universities in Aotearoa New Zealand. This qualification will prepare you for a career as a counsellor and a provisional member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC).
Your workload
This is a taught, in person programme and distance or online study options aren't available. Classes are typically held on campus two to three days per week, for up to six hours per day. And then in your second and third year, you'll spend one or two days a week on placement in addition to days in class.
You'll also need to then undertake your own, self-directed learning in your own time.
If you’re learning with us full-time, you'll need to spend an average of 37.5 hours studying per week.
Part-time study options may be available. This is decided on a case-by-case basis. If you do study part-time, you can expect to spend an average of 18 hours studying per week and this may increase if it includes placement hours.
Entry requirements
- NCEA Level 3 including:
- 14 credits at Level 3 or above in each of three NZQA approved university entrance subjects, and
- 10 Literacy credits at Level 2 or above, made up of:
- 5 credits in reading and 5 credits in writing, and
- 10 Numeracy credits at Level 1 or above, made up of:
- specified achievement standards available through a range of subjects OR
- package of three numeracy unit standards (26623, 26626, 26627- all three required).
- You must submit references and a health declaration, declare any criminal convictions and give permission for a Police Check (to demonstrate good health and good character sufficient for safe and effective practice in social services).
- If English is not your first language, you must provide:
- New Zealand University Entrance OR
- Overall Academic IELTS 6.5 with no individual band score lower than 6.5 (achieved in one test completed in the last two years), OR
- Acceptable alternative evidence of the required IELTS (see here for NZQA proficiency table and here for list of recognised proficiency tests).
If you need to improve your English Language skills, we offer a wide range of English programmes.
Selection process
Applications will be assessed when they’re received, and you will be invited to attend an interview from September onwards. Selection will be made on the basis of the applicant being able to demonstrate a reasonable likelihood of success in the programme.
If the number of applicants who meet the entry criteria exceed the number of places, we’ll create a waitlist based on the date order of applications.
Being ready for study
If you have had experiences of trauma or abuse, mental health challenges or life events causing emotional harm, you may experience some emotional risk during this programme.
Otago Polytechnic have services available to support you in this situation. We'd recommend that you ensure you're ready for studying at this time and that you have your personal support network in place before beginning this programme.
Don't meet the entry requirements?
We offer a bridging certificate to this programme which has open entry. When you complete that programme, you'll have the academic requirements you need to apply for the Bachelor of Social Services. Remember, this degree also has non-academic entry requirements so make sure you plan ahead.
Vaccination information
You don’t need to supply evidence of your vaccination status to apply for this programme.
However, the placement component of this programme has a higher risk of exposure to vaccine preventable diseases.
Evidence of immunity to vaccine preventable diseases is ascertained by your vaccination records.
Placements are an integral part of this programme, and you’ll need to complete the vaccine requirements to be able to successfully achieve your qualification.
If you have concerns or questions about this requirement, please feel free to contact us.
Want your existing skills recognised?
Recognition of Prior Learning
If you have extensive knowledge and skills due to practical experience in the social service or related fields, please ask us about our Recognition of Prior Learning process (RPL). You may have already gained credits towards this qualification.
Once you've read this info, if you have further questions or want to chat about this option, please email
Work-based learning
If you have work experience and skills in this area, you may be able to complete an independent learning pathway to achieve this qualification in a shorter timeframe.
We currently offer a 10 month full-time / 18-20 month part-time, work-based learning option through our assessment of prior learning centre, Capable NZ.
This option is available for the Career Practice, Health and Wellbeing Practice or Social Services specialties. You cannot study the Counselling specialty through this method.
Domestic fees
International fees
Additional costs
Work placements form part of this programme and you'll need to budget for these. You'll be expected to pay for your travel expenses to and from your placement and any meals/accommodation.
Multi-year fees
The tuition fees shown above are approximate only. There may be a slight fee increase per year once Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) rules and guidelines are applied. These fees also don’t include additional costs or living costs.
Domestic full-time students can apply for a student loan through Studylink.
Some support may be available for domestic part-time students if this programme offers a part-time study option.
Apply at the same time as you apply for your course (you can withdraw your application anytime).
Student Services Fee
For most students, your tuition fee shown above includes a Student Services Fee – also known as the Student Levy. This compulsory fee covers your access to the student services we offer. This cost is tailored depending on how you're studying.
The international tuition fee does not include your Student Levy. This will be calculated when you enrol with us.
Click below to find out more about the Student Levy costs and services provided.
Fees Free
The Government has announced that Fees Free for the first year of study or training will finish at the end of 2024. A final-year Fees Free policy will replace it, starting from 1 January 2025.
If you are a first-time tertiary learner in 2025, you may be able to get Fees Free for your final year of study or training. If you are eligible, you will need to apply for your entitlement through IRD from 2026 onwards.
For more information about the transition from first-year Fees Free or the final-year Fees Free policy, visit
Study Grants for international students
We have a range of Study Grants to support our international students.
Completing your application
You can enter information and upload documents directly into the application form. You may wish to prepare some of the required documentation beforehand.
To begin your application, click the Apply button at the top of this page.
You will need to provide:
1. Academic records
2. A written statement (up to 600 words). In this, you'll need to briefly describe your reasons for wanting to work with people in contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand. You may wish to consider the following:
- your values
- previous experience of working with people, and
- life experience.
3. Your Curriculum Vitae
4. A mental health and substance history status.
5. Police vetting and declaration of any criminal convictions. (Applicants who have lived in countries other than New Zealand need to provide a Police Clearance from each country). Please note that some types of criminal conviction may limit the ability to secure placements for you and therefore will impact on your ability to complete the programme.
6. Contact details for two referees
7. Certified copies of proof of identity
8. Proof of residency (where appropriate).
During your programme
As you'll see above, during the application process you need to provide a mental health and substance history status, and declare any criminal convictions. During the time you are studying with us, it's also vital that:
- you continue to let us know about any changes to your mental health status or substance status (if you don't do this, we may need to withdraw you from the programme), and
- you declare any new or pending convictions (a conviction or failure to declare a conviction may result in you being withdrawn from the programme).